Welcome to Weigh Less With Jess
When dealing with me at Weigh Less with Jess, you will be dealing with a “down-to-earth” everyday person. I have a genuine desire to help others who have battled with their weight just as I have. Excess weight is no joke. Your telephone calls, texts, emails, Facebook messages, Whatts app texts and Instagram posts are answered in person by Jess, the face of Weigh Less with Jess.
How Much Weight Do You Want To Lose
- Do you need to lose weight?
- Have you lost weight and put it all back on?
- Do you want to lose weight fast?
- Do you have an injury preventing you from losing
weight through exercise? - Have you tried many diets without success?
- Do you have no time for the gym?
- Are you fed up with the time it takes to lose weight?
What Our Clients Say

Why Choose Weigh Less
With Jess
Who can use the Weigh Less with Jess Program?
Any one who needs to lose weight and has excess fat to burn. Not suitable for Breastfeeding and Pregnant woman. If you have a medical condition please seek the advice of your GP before commencing the plan.
How does the Weigh Less with Jess program work?
The Weigh Less with Jess program is a 3 phase diet combining a calorie controlled diet, the correct fat burning foods and the help of our support drops.
Real Food – Real People – Real Results
Most dieters following the 3 Phases of the Weigh Less with Jess program, along with the support of the formula (either Diet Drops or Soft Gel Caps) are losing on average 0.3kg to 1kg per day*. Our customers prove that this program works!
*Results may vary from person to person
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