Kim McGee Success Story

Kim posing in a photo

Kim McGee Success Story

Date started:

April 2020

How much you have lost:

20 kgs

Capsules or drops?

Capsules were used

Can you give us a little bit of background around your situation before the program?

I had tried losing weight in the past, I may have lost a few kilos but always seemed to put it back on or the losses would just stop. Something drew me to your program, I sat on it for a while, but then I saw some weight loss stories using your program. I then made a promise that this time I’ll get to my goal weight, no more up and down.

I must’ve read the booklet a thousand times, I knew that if I just stick to the booklet I could do this and I did. Mentally I was ready, I also have my daughter getting married in November so that was another drive for me. I really like how you do a round then do a good amount of time on phase three –  something I was scared of but I actually stayed well under my maintenance weight throughout phase three. I’m just about on my last capsules of phase two getting ready for phase three again. Thank you so so much!

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